Top 3 Ways To Increase Your Exposure On Instagram In 2023

With 2023 upon us the social media train has now firmly left the station and if your business isn’t on it then you could seriously start to fall behind the competition. Worry not though, through the strategies I’m going to show you in this article, you should have the knowledge to put boosters under your business and, not just catch up to that train, but overtake it! This month we are going to deep dive into Instagram and explore the top 3 ways to increase your exposure in 2023.


Step 1 - Consistency

There is nothing more important than staying consistent. You need to do this to create a rapport with fans, followers and potential clients. An easy way to maintain a consistency that will keep social media off your mind for 85% of the week is to, on a Friday, organise a social timetable for the upcoming week. Find your hashtags, source your images and develop engaging copy. When you’re finished, use the ‘Creator Studio’ to schedule your posts and you won’t have to worry about it again.

Social Schedule

Consistency is the foundation upon which reliability, strong relationships and thought-leadership is built. Of course, I recommend posting stories daily. This also shouldn’t be an arduous task. You can log into Instagram and reshare your most recent post to your story with a simple poll, call to action or sticker.

Finally, there is engagement. A secret trick for this is to not engage straight away. The concept behind this is that they are still online and aware of engaging with you. If you comment straight away it may not spur them into any further action. Instead, if you wait some time and then engage with them once they have forgotten, there is a higher likelihood that they could end up taking further action. Therefore, to compound this effect and save you time, engage with your previous weeks of posts during the time you have set aside on a Friday when you are making new content for the week commencing.

Consistency is the foundation upon which reliability, strong relationships and thought-leadership is built.

Step 2 - Networking

“Networking?” I hear you ask, “Isn’t that only possible through in-person events, Zoom Calls and joining Facebook Groups?” Yes, you’re right on all accounts. Those forms of networking are understood. You have most definitely been to an in-person networking event or are planning to go. You have no doubt been invited to a few virtual ‘Coffee & Networking’ Zoom sessions and maybe even sat through some. And joining or being inducted into Facebook Coaching groups is almost hinging on becoming a past-time for some of you reading this!


On Instagram, it isn’t as explicit as joining a group or turning on your webcam. Instead, search for keywords that are relevant to your niche in the search bar and find other coaches. Give them a follow, comment on their posts, engage with their content and you can start to build up a support network of coaches in your sector.

Taking this further, when you are confident enough, drop them a message and invite them to collaborate with you on an Instagram Live, QnA or you can even do ‘interviews’ about how they got to where they are now and host them on your IGTV (Instagram TV). This cross-promotes you to both your follower (and potential client) base, builds your following and strengthens your identity as a proactive thought-leader in your field.

This is a real, actionable and very effective way of making networking work on social media.


Step 3 - Stay Engaged

Instagram Growth 2023

I strongly recommend that you utilise the information provided in this article and continue to do some research, learning and improvement on your Instagram presence. However, I’m aware that this can be time consuming, intimidating at times and overwhelming. If you want to stay on top of things, what better way to do so than from the horse's mouth itself.

Instagram themselves provide best practices, guides and tips on how to improve your profile through their own Instagram profile. Some key ones for you to follow are:

Keep an eye on their posts, action their advice and your Instagram will start to really take off in 2023.

Final Thoughts

There are many things you could be doing to strengthen your Instagram strategies in 2023 and I’ve gone over 3 key ways to do so. Make sure you don’t neglect your other social media either and if you are confused about anything or need any help, feel free to drop me a line and I’ll be more than happy to help.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or, if you're ready to take action and start scaling your business then schedule in a call with me here and let's have an informal chat about growth: 15-Min Growth Call With Elijah

Elijah Khan

Should I Boost My Instagram Posts In 2023?